The Stall Turn is probably the first 'Real'
maneuver that should be learned. (Autos will be
argued by some but hey, this is my page) You should
be comfortable with flipping to Idle Up to maintain
a good head speed. If not, go directly to Jail, do
Not pass Go, and do Not collect $200.
The first stall turns should be down wind. Fly by
at full or near full throttle, first time nice and
high, pull back the elevator (aft cyclic) nice and
slow and release when the heli is pointing Almost
Vertical. (Even 45 degrees is a good starting point)
You may now wish you had paid more attention to
tail rotor, gyro, and Revo setup. Its too late now
so just hang on, heli will probably rotate on its
own before it starts to descend and/or return, help
it around with rudder but do NOT try to push it the
other way, that could be a big mistake.
The Shuttle doesn't like flying backwards too
much so chances are real good, before it gets too
close to the ground, it will be flying back at you
going nose first, albeit towards the ground. Just
add the rest of your Collective, and slowly pull
back the elevator until almost level and release.
Do this over and over again, reducing the
collective during vertical so it goes straight up
and down and timing your rudder for nice slow turns
at the top. Do these in both upwind and downwind
directions, and turn rudder in both directions.
After a couple of tanks of fuel you will want to
fine tune the revo mix.
Fine tune REVO...
If heli is trying to rotate at the top of the
stall when collective stick is set for zero degrees,
you will have to correct.
If Rotating Clockwise at the top of stall turn
ADD a bit of tail rotor 'REVO' Pitch when Main
Blades are at '0' degrees, Subtract a bit if
rotating counterclockwise. These changes should only
be done to the 'Idle Up Revo' settings.
Now go out and practice some more. When ready to
try first 540, start applying the rudder just a
little earlier. Under-rotating or over-rotating will
give you a rush that will take a while to forget.
The following article was obtain from
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